Hollywood’s Dead Reckoning

      It’s quite apropos that the latest movie from the guy that is positioned to save Hollywood is dubbed “Dead Reckoning” Part 1.   The newest installment, 27 years after the release of the first Mission Impossible film, is a very enjoyable ride with dazzling stunts and highly stylized action sequences through some of the world’s most beautiful cities in Europe and Asia.  It also possesses quite a firm sense of “self-awareness” on the genre it tries to evolve or pay homage to in the script and execution.  I love how Cruise makes us wait 25+ minutes (wish I timed it exactly) into the movie to end his cold open and give us the opening credit sequence and beloved theme song.   There is also quite an obvious layer of parallels between the story arc in this 2 Part Conclusion of the MI franchise and the actual apex or inflection point of Hollywood.   Towards the end of Part 1, the characters literally drive a runway train off the tracks in a very fitting metaphor of where the business of entertainment is headed right now.  Luther (Ving Rhames) fittingly reminds Ethan to make sure he gets off the train and not deviate from his mission, before impending death and destruction.  The film also hits the audience with heavy and complex themes of A.I. (will hold on spoilers), which are at the epicenter of ongoing labor challenges with the WGA and SAG-AFTRA.    Is Tom Cruise delivering a subtle statement on the world as we know it as he dazzles us with his mind blowing-stunts and excessive running as his standard operating procedure?   Can Tom be the man that single handedly saves Hollywood, as portrayed through Ethan Hunt’s heroism to save the world from ultimate and imminent destruction?

            I myself, along with millions of YouTubers, have been watching previews and teases of the big cliff jump “motorcycle” stunt featured in this chapter for months, and seeing the version in the final print on the large screen was still impressive.   In an era where sloppy visual effects (VFX) are getting more noticeable, the Cruise driven Mission Impossible franchise delivers in a big way.  The Covid delayed and budget busting production had a lot of challenges in its path.   It’s going to be extremely interesting how the battle for the large format screens and IMAX settles in with Nolan’s Oppenheimer for the rest of the summer after MI has to share these screens after the first week.   Cruise started calling theater execs himself to plead the case for these screens, feeling the pressure that this represents on the future of the industry.  This is his baby, his most expensive baby yet.   It’s amazing to see how far this franchise has come since the days of Brian DePalma’s MI (1996), John Woo’s Motorcycles in MI 2 (2000), or JJ Abrams take in MI 3 (2006).   After Part 4, Cruise leaned into the notion that he didn’t really need a signature director anymore to guide the vision for this franchise, since this is his vision after all, and his vision alone.  Tom Cruise is the auteur of these movies, evoking a sort of modern-day John Wayne hero, doubling down as producer.  I don’t think John Wayne had this much creative input, and clearly did not do his own stunts at the level of Cruise.  Top Gun’s success may have helped the movie business try to get to the next phase in their illustrious history post Covid, but the notion of auteurism in cinema has been challenged in a big way recently.  It has never been so obvious as this display in recent years, where the producer and star are the PR machine behind every aspect of the production.  For example, many actors have played James Bond, but there is only one Tom Cruise.  There is no actor that could sub into this character or franchise, which says a lot for Mr. Cruise’s ambitions here. Are we witnessing a birth of a new Hollywood led by Tom Cruise or is it the end of that era that will be swallowed up by ChatGPT written scripts and A.I. performances?  Cruise has turned this series into a functional step by step guide on how to evoke the star system of yesteryear and turn it into a “vehicle” for himself and his brand.   He may be the only actual star playing (or running) at this level, burying the quality directing of Christopher McQuarrie who is there to guide Tom Cruise (like he did starting with Part 5).  Tom Cruise is really the star and creator of this experience, the most expensive investment of his career.  

The story of Dead Reckoning unfolds with a real terror on the implications of A.I. gone wrong.  This postmodern take on the modern spy genre, that was created by Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels, feels like it’s trying to have a post-modernist statement on the implications of A.I. on the industry itself.  A power too large to contain and too big to fail, corrupting everyone in its path.  The plot unfolds as the characters search for the two parts of an interlocking key, that only has power merged together to unlock the mystery lock.  The characters desperately try to figure out the secret that the “key” unlocks, as this search becomes the metaphor for the problems of Hollywood itself.   I think this is a real parallel with the fact that nobody knows which of the many complex problems that the industry is facing should be the focus.  How can we find the solution if the exact problem that needs to be fixed is not clear?  Is the speeding bullet train a subtle nod to the famous train sequence in Part 1 of the franchise, or is it meant to symbolize the off the rails doom and gloom of the entertainment industry’s battle for streaming profits as the world collapses around them?  As the conclusion of DR Part 1 plays out in the final reel, I couldn’t help wonder if I was seeing the beginning of the end of Hollywood as we know it, or is it just the end of the beginning? 



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